Thursday, 18 July 2013

Fondant Banana Tutorials

Banana & Tomatoes are the topic of discussion in Zion's school for this quarter. There was a home project for parents & kids to do along. We had to familiarise the kids about these fruits & do a project with the use of these fruits or any thing creative.  It was the last day & we had to submit the project to the school. Since I had guest at home, I had totally forgotten about this. Upon checking the date suddenly realised that this was pending.  Since I love working with fondant, thought why not make these fruits out of fondant. I had some left over fondant from previous cakes in the fridge, so thought will utilise it for this project. My friend was around while I was making these & she was totally shocked to see me do it fast. She is the one your video graphed this:) Thx Annu for supporting me in this video.

Zion was very excited seeing me do this for him. He actually wanted to eat them:) He was saying mamma..Banana banana.. give give...:)  He some how manged to damage the tomatoes & thankfully it reached the school in good shape. I have taken a video tutorial on how to make Banana's. Hope you will enjoy this video tutorials.



  1. It looks so nice,ur a artist..
    Keep in touch,

  2. They look so real!!
    mary x

  3. Brautifully the bananas.helpful tutorial.

  4. Thats a lovely and easy recipe...wonderful


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